Thursday, December 11, 2008

Out of work? At least you can ditch the shaving kit

Whether as a sign of mourning, or simply because it's a pain to shave everyday, beards are popping up on laid-off executives all around the country, the Wall Street Journal reports. Perhaps Al Gore invented the trend:
Facial hair is showing up on more former corporate types. It’s one of those tiny luxuries unleashed by unemployment, a time when people are briefly released from workaday habits and may wish to take stock of their lives before setting out anew. Al Gore grew a beard after losing the tumultuous presidential election of 2000. Neatly trimmed, it looked cozy and anti-establishment as he pursued creative projects on his way to the Nobel Peace Prize.


joshoc said...

I moved back to Nashville six months ago and can't get a job. I have a college degree and 7+ years of experience. This is getting depressing ...

Unknown said...

And if a bearded professor is laid off, he may start shaving! -Christine at her Green Hills library temporary ambulatory office